Before escalating access issues for Memberium-controlled sites, please review this checklist of the most common reasons a contact cannot log into or access their content.
Please note the following:
- Always log in as the contact using an incognito tab on your browser to confirm the issue and “see what they see.”
- Log OUT, then back in before assessing if your changes worked.
For example, if you discover that the contact does not have the 4. Access tag, which is required to access the content, and you apply it, you will not see the positive effect of the 4. Access tag until you log out and back in.
Check for duplicate contact with the same email
This is the most common reason for a contact being unable to log into the site. Memberium uses a contact’s email address as the user identifier and can only sync to ONE contact record in your app.
Use the main contact search to look up the contact by their email address exclusively. Do NOT use the Quick Search.
If you have duplicate contact records for the same email, merge the two contact records into one, then test the login using an incognito tab.
Check for a password
In most apps this will be set up as a Custom Field, “Memberium Password.” In rare cases, the app’s native Password field is used, but NEVER both.
Once you’ve determined that you only have one contact with the email, open the contact record and check to ensure the Memberium Password field contains a password that meets the minimum number of characters.
If there is no password populated, submit the Internal Form: “CREATE: User”
Once the actions have run, return to the contact record and check again for a password. If a password has been populated, test the contact’s login using an incognito tab in your browser.
If the Memberium Password field is not populated after running this action, escalate to ConvertMORE to further troubleshoot.
If PAID content, check for a payment and/or the PAYF tag
(Skip if free content)
Sometimes, customers think their payment was processed when it was not. Check the order and invoice to confirm that the payment went through. Similarly, if a payment plan fails, content access may be restricted.
If a subscription renewal fails, the system will apply the tag “ProgramIdentifierPAYF.” This tag acts as a padlock on the content until the payment due is made current, at which point Billing Automations will remove it, restoring access to the member.
NOTE: Only subscriptions utilize the PAYF tag. Courses and programs with finite pricing (for example, full pay / 3-pay) do NOT.
Check for a different payment email address
If you know the payment went through, but the contact still cannot access their content, check to make sure payment was made using the SAME email address as their primary contact.
This is similar to the duplicate contact issue but can be more difficult to find. One clue that this could be the issue is that the contact record associated with the order was created when the order was created; in other words, it’s a new contact record but you know the contact would have already been in your contact database.
The fix for this issue is essentially the same as for email duplicate contacts which is to merge the two contacts into one. However, it is usually recommended to first ask the customer which is their preferred email address prior to merging.
Check for Tags
Tags are the keys to accessing content, so if the contact doesn’t have the required tags, they won’t be able to access the content.
To check tags, you must first know the full scope of what tags are required for your specific setup. We recommend keeping a Google sheet or similar for reference, as some setups are complex.
Go to the contact record, open the tag list, and click “Category” to sort by tag category. Scroll down to check for the tags in the Tag Category “4. Access.”
Most one-time products (not recurring subscriptions) will have a 4. Access access tag for the program/course/product. Check for the primary tag first. If the setup includes tags for modules or other sub-sections of a program/course/product and the access issue is specific to only some content, check to ensure the contact is the required sub-content tag.
If the content is set up as a membership, i.e., a recurring subscription, you must ensure that the contact has the access tag for the membership/subscription and doesn’t have a PAYF, CANC, or SUSP tag. These tags act like padlocks on the content, and the contact will not be allowed access even if they have the main access tag.
Dig deeper if you find one of these tags on the contact record.
Did a payment fail?
If so, has it since been processed?
Was the subscription canceled?
Are they locked out for bad behavior?
The above list is a good starting point but may not be exhaustive depending on the specifics of your offers and payments.
If a tagging error is found, correct it, and then log in as the contact using an incognito browser.
If the tags are correct and there are no padlock tags, but the contact’s access is still not showing as it should be, log out and run the Sync per the instructions below before escalating to ConvertMORE.
Submit the SYNC Internal Form
Follow the directions HERE to submit the SYNC Internal Form, then log in to test the contact’s view.
If this action does not work, escalate to ConvertMORE.
Once you have moved through each of the checks listed above, either having confirmed the necessary pieces are in place OR updating the contact record if errors found, open an incognito browser and test using the contact’s email and password.
Can you login?
Yes? Check content view.
No? Send to ConvertMORE support team.
Can you see the content that the contact should see?
Yes? Log out and reply to the contact.
No? Send to ConvertMORE support team.
**When you uplevel this to CMC support**
Please provide us with:
- the details of the contact’s experience as related to you by the contact
- the checks from the list above that you’ve completed to research and correct the issue
- exactly what you noted when you logged in, incognito, using the contact’s access credentials, including any specific error messages
**Screenshots are always a plus!