Testing is the key to stress-free launches! If the tech framework doesn’t flow correctly, the strategy is lost.

The steps for Phase I (Team CMC) and Phase II (you, the client) are outlined below. Phase I is included to provide awareness of the testing done before passing the process to you. 

Your participation in the process is essential! This is your business, and the internal knowledge you bring is essential. 

Finally, you will authorize your deliverables to go live, or as we like to say, give the “green light” so we can put what was built to work for you.

Phase I: ConvertMORE Testing

Step 1: Visual review of the campaign for:

  • Campaign canvas layout, element labels, and documentation all present
  • External forms, including Captcha settings (Off in most cases) and thank you page routing
  • Tags applied/removed are correct (especially important for campaigns that have been copied or imported!)
  • Open and check any/all campaign elements that are utilized for completion and accuracy
  • Decision diamonds TESTED to confirm 100% accuracy across all possible configs 

Step 2: Deploy each email in the campaign to CMC User email(s) 

  • Review all copy for accuracy, layout, and readability as presented in an actual email
  • Check for the accurate routing of all directly routed links

Phase II: Client Testing

Your specific steps are in bold purple below. 

Step 1 reviews ONLY copy, layout, formatting, and directly routed links. It is timed in order of completion of various items required for the campaign and may not be ‘in order’ of the flow of the campaign. 

In Step 1, as the email copy is transferred from the Google doc to Keap, we will trigger a test email to your Keap user. It is important to note that NONE of the conditional items noted below will work during Part 1 testing. It is an initial review for the accuracy of copy, formatting, images, and directly routed links. 

Step 1 also includes a review of the accuracy of the campaign pages – lead gen, sales, thank you/confirm pages, etc.

Step 2 of Client Testing is a start-to-finish test performed in the same order as a real contact. 

For Step 2, you must use an email address for testing NOT associated with your Keap User or any admin user on your Memberium portal to test ALL links, including Conditional Links and other conditional (contact-dependent) configurations. 

Examples of Conditional Links and Features:

  • Merge fields in emails
  • Email content controlled by liquid syntax
  • Page content controlled by Memberium
  • Autologin links (Memberium)
  • PlusThis Smart Links
  • Zoom Access Links *If using PlusThis registration.
  • Countdown timers in emails or on webpages that are set to a contact custom date field

    Tips for Success

    1. Make sure the content/copy you send to us is audience-ready. This applies particularly to positioning, as testing is NOT the time to change your mind about the offer positioning or how the copy reads. Being audience-ready also includes making sure your formatting preferences are noted and that an AI grammar check has been performed. It is also helpful for at least one other person on your team to review the content/copy before sending the items to us for the next steps in the development. 
    2. Use only a “clean” contact for contact-level testing. A clean contact is a contact that has not previously been through the funnel or structures being tested so that you know with 100% confidence that the contact you are using for testing does not have any tags or field values upon which actions in the current funnel could throw either a false error or mask an error. Ask us if you are not sure which contact you should use. We can also clean your test contact in advance of your test. 
    3. Use a unique contact for each test when testing the same flow for multiple scenarios. If you don’t know how to do this, please ask.

    Step 1: Email copy and directly routed links sent to your Keap user and campaign pages for copy, layout, and formatting.

    Step 2: Test the complete Automation, including webpages, using a “regular contact” email address that can receive email.

      • If you are testing a standard funnel that runs from opt-in to offer, start by opting into the starting point of the funnel.
      • If you are testing a different type of deliverable or starting from a different place in the funnel, a member of the ConvertMORE team will advise you on where to start.
      • Once you’ve opted in (or purchased for a test of a Delivery flow), notify Team CMC so they can push the campaign actions to create an experience as close as possible to a real contact’s experience, excluding timer delays. 
      • Log into your test contact inbox using an INCOGNITO tab on your browser, open the emails from the first received to the last received. Review each email and click all links to test for routing accuracy. 
      • If necessary, Team CMC will guide you to repeating the above process so that all scenarios are tested. 

      Step 3: Provide us with specific and complete instructions for ALL updates and changes that need to be made for each element you experience in your test. 

        **Step 4: Final Approval and Green Light to Launch** 

        • Once your inputs and updates have been implemented, if any substantive changes needed to be made, you may receive a final test for you to review and sign off on.
        • Finally, if everything is satisfied, you’ll provide us with a Green Light to Launch.